• Por una Belleza Alternativa

    La moda del Sari de la India

    El estilo Nivi de la Maravillosa India esta de moda si te atreves con todo, aqui te enseñan
    como se coloca el popular sari. Me encanta.
    The Nivi style is today's most popular sari style. The Nivi saree was popularized through the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma by modifying the South Indian saree called mundum neriyathum. In one of his painting, the Indian subcontinent was shown as a mother wearing a flowing Nivi saree. Gujarati style differs from the Nivi only in the manner that the loose end is handled. In this style, the loose end is draped over the right shoulder rather than the left, and is also draped back-to-front rather than the other way around.

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